On the morning of June 7, 2020, Wise County Sheriffs Department served a search warrant at an address that was reported to have a cockfight underway. Authorities made 17 arrests and about 30 others were ticketed for attending the fight. They also confiscated several sets of razor sharp gaffs used for the fights.
Animal Investigation & Response field team assisted the Sheriffs Dept and a partner agency with the intake and documentation of the roosters.
Our field team also conducted testing the roosters for diseases to see if they were eligible for Rescue placement out of state. Their care and testing cost us approximately $1200.00.
We understand this is a bit unconventional for fighting roosters, BUT when we commit to animals that come into our care, we will move mountains to do our best to give them a chance for a positive outcome where they will thrive and have an opportunity to be a happy member of someones life. ️ We have done some extensive research and have found that cockfighting roosters have been successfully placed and that they typically are very rehabable. If you can consider a donation toward the roosters’ care and testing, they would very much appreciate it!
This entire operation to endure a lifetime of safety, free from pain for the roosters will cost our organization approximately $4600.
Animal Investigation & Response is an animal protection, non profit organization that assists law enforcement and animal control with the resources for large scale animal cruelty or disaster response. Our services are at no charge to the requesting agency. AIR is the only *mobile Animal Emergency Response Team that services the entire state of Texas.
We do this work so the animals have more opportunities for positive outcomes. Please consider a donation of any amount to support the care of animals that come from suspected cruelty situations.
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