This class is FREE of charge, as the first class offered under the Paige Anderson Education Fund! However, registration is required!
When: Sunday, April 16, 2023
2:00 PM – 5:00PM
Where: Humane Tomorrow
1961 E Hickory Hill Rd, Argyle, TX 76226-3124
** This class will only be for any Law Enforcement and ACO/ACI, as well as any AIR responders who have taken AIR Responder Orientation. **
A large-scale event is defined by any intake that exceeds the capacity and resources of your agency. You have all your evidence and will attain a warrant, but what else? Do you have the resources for a safe extraction? How will the animals be humanely housed and cared for using a custody hold? What can you do from day one to help assure positive outcomes for the animals?
This class will outline the steps, guidelines, and considerations for best practices of the successful extraction of all animals, the preparation for animal sheltering during any custody hold, including daily care to provide maximum placement options for all animals once custody is awarded.
You Will Learn:
● Assessing agency resources for different species and numbers of animals. Knowing what equipment is available in-house, with MOU/MAA partners, VOADs, and community partners.
● Defining the needs and requirements for your specific case to coordinate resources.
● The planning for safely extracting animals as part of the warrant service for humans and animals. Including personnel and equipment for human and animal health and safety at the extraction site and the safe confinement of animals for transport. Best practices for estimating the number, species, and condition of animals to be seized.
● Extraction logistics to ensure proper evidence logging, documentation, and chain of custody to set yourself up with a successful Emergency Temporary Shelter (ETS) and responsible placement.
● There are a lot of considerations beyond the legal requirements of getting a warrant for a successful positive outcome for your agency and the animals in your custody. (This class will not cover the legal requirements of obtaining a warrant.) Topics to be covered include Veterinary triage and documentation at the extraction sites of sick, injured animals, as well as how to set up for forensic exams, necropsy, and basic intake treatments at your ETS (vaccines, dewormer, etc. as allowed by the court).
● Safe and appropriate transport of animals from the extraction site to your Emergency Temporary Shelter (ETS). Do you need livestock trailers? Will you use ACO trucks? Does the extraction site have safe access to trailers? How many trips will you have to make using your trucks? How far is your ETS from the extraction site?
● How, and where will animals be housed for custody? Planning and setting up your Emergency Temporary Shelter specific to species and needs of animals. Setting up to provide daily care such as cleaning, feeding, watering, and what enrichment you can easily offer to promote positive placement once you are awarded custody.
● At your ETS what additional evidence will need to be documented for your case? Additional veterinary needs? Creating and maintaining your Animal Census for evidence management and placement. What will you share when with placement partners? Setting your chain of command, confidentiality policies, and security during your holds.
● Approving placement partners. Does your agency have a list of approved placement partners? How do you find additional responsible placement partners? Finding, approving, and logistics of out-of-state placements.
● Media Plan: How will you deal with any media that may show at the extraction site? Appointing a Public Information person.
● Demobilization: Cleaning, sanitizing, inventorying, and storing supplies for future use. Debriefing and lessons learned from your team.

This class is FREE of charge, as the first class offered under the Paige Anderson Education Fund! However, registration is required!
We look forward to seeing you!