Critical education opportunities for responders
The Paige Anderson Education Fund was created in March 2023 in honor of Paige Anderson, co-founder of Animal Investigation & Response and animal cruelty investigator.
Who is Paige Anderson?
Paige spent many years deploying with a national team to states throughout the country, witnessing firsthand the horrors of hoarding, puppy mills, and dog fighting. In that time, it became crucial to focus on obtaining the education needed to build solid cases of animal cruelty and target the specific needs of animals in Texas. She and Monica, her partner in crime fighting, obtained the credentials required to become a resource for agencies that needed help. In doing so, Animal Investigation & Response was founded (AIR).
Paige's dream:
Education was always an important part of Paige’s focus and goals. She understood that through the continued and advanced education for Law Enforcement Officers/Animal Control Officers (LEO/ACO) and animal emergency Responders, more animals would see justice for the crimes they suffered. She also recognized the need for these agencies and Responders to advance their skills in natural disaster situations.
Why this Education Fund was created:
The Paige Anderson Education Fund was created to help provide continued and advanced education for LEO/ACO and animal emergency responders. Many agencies do not have the funding to send their officers to the more advanced animal cruelty and disaster training programs. The fund will aim to bring together some of the best educators in the field to increase the knowledge base of our Law Enforcement Officers/Animal Control Officers (LEO/ACO) and Responders!